Projects include, but are not limited to:

Ruby on Rails
  • Multimedia Website: PHP 4, Javascript, and HTML with LAMP; Apache and MySQL.
  • Hotels Information Manager: PHP 4 and Oracle 9i on Windows XP.
  • School Science Labs Reporting System: PHP 4, Javascript, and HTML with LAMP.
  • Rotorography Encryption Engine: built using Java SE 6 and Eclipse; Encrypts text information and then hides it into an image.
  • Medical Image Classification: designed using Matlab and C#.NET, Visual Studio .NET 2008, Microsoft SQL 2008, with verification of results on data mining application “Weka”; Classifies medical images of internal organs and identifies each image.
  • Web-based Restaurant: ASP.NET with Microsoft SQL 2008.
  • Phillist - Search Engine: built using Perl. It searches specific assigned domain for specific text-based user queries, and returns results as links of the pages containing user queries.
  • MusicTouch: an android app for smart phones plays music and funny sounds with advanced touch abilities.